
Vibrant Flight of Fantasy Parade at Disneyland, Hong Kong
We all know Hong Kong as one of the most thriving cities of the...
Barcelona is best seen by bicycle
After completing Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University, Canada, four of my roommates and I...
Have you Witness the sunset at the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi?
When we were travelling through United Arab Emirates, we visited the Burj Khalifa in...
An exhilarating zip line ride over a river in Costa Rica
Going to Costa Rica with 9 fellow MBA students from Ryerson University and some...
The French Riviera – the most scenic coastal route of Europe
During our final exams of mechanical engineering at McMaster University, Canada, we decided to...
Niagara Falls – a spectacular natural wonder
Since Niagara is less than an hour drive away from Hamilton, we visited Niagara...
Cage diving with great white sharks in South Africa
Shark Cage diving had always been on my bucket list. Being in South Africa...